How to Use Custom Shipping Boxes to Avoid Plastic
It's no surprise that an increasing number of businesses are making the transition to a more plastic-free environment. People are finding creative ways to limit their use of plastic as the number of plastic waste increases due to either non-recyclable plastic or plastic that is not properly recycled. Whether you prefer reusable bags or paper-based products, the options are plentiful — it's just a matter of knowing where and how to start.
Continue reading to learn how to use sustainable packaging and why you should choose plastic-free shipping solutions in the first place.
Why Should You Avoid Plastic?
If you're reading this, chances are you've already considered becoming a more plastic-free company and want to take the first step toward doing so. You've already taken the first step toward your goal by simply accepting the concept of being plastic-free. After all, the only way to begin your journey toward sustainability is to spend time learning about it.
Let's take a closer look at why you should make the switch to a more plastic-free workplace.
Environmental Advantages
The most important reason to stop using plastic is to help the Earth — and, by extension, everyone and everything who lives on this planet. 11 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Without immediate and drastic action, this figure is expected to double by 2040. Single-use plastics ultimately harm marine wildlife and their habitats, eventually returning to us through fish consumption.
Furthermore, the production of plastic has a negative impact on the environment because it necessitates the use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. These limited resources contribute to global warming.
Advantages for Your Company
Making the switch to a more plastic-free environment can benefit your company in unexpected ways. More people than ever before are concerned about the state of the environment. Many people believe that changing their own behavior can help mitigate climate change, and their purchasing habits reflect that belief. As a result, going plastic-free as a business could increase leads and drive sales. Furthermore, you may find that you retain more customers and increase brand recognition.
Custom Shipping Boxes as Plastic Packaging Alternatives
Now that you've decided to take the plunge, it's time to figure out how to go plastic-free and put your company's new sustainability framework into action.
Rethinking how you package and ship your products is a good place to start, and it may have the biggest impact on your customers. You'll want to look for ways to reduce the amount of plastic and overall excess material you use. In the end, you'll use fewer resources and materials with a more plastic-free approach, and you'll reduce the amount of waste your customer has to deal with after they receive the product.
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